What Freedom is like,
The need to not change or persuade anybody into anything! And so, comes with it a deep level of acceptance, or vice versa. In a hard way, I learned we could never change anybody, but we can love them enough to hold a space within us, for them to be.
The absence of judging actions as right or wrong, of the self, and that of others! Some actions are beneficial, while some are not. Yet we are allowed to make them both, and that is how we learn. So, I decided to give myself that liberty and not confine myself to safety.
The profoundness of knowing thyself! To understand why we are the way we are. What makes us tick, what our triggers are, where lies our powers, what holds our calms, where we shine, and where we dwell. So we can moderate and navigate ourselves more and more consciously.
So comes the ability to trust our decisions and inner voices! We end up having a hundred different voices in our head when we want to make a decision. And yet every one of us, have access to that one voice that is just ours. Often from a place of no fear and threat. Freedom is allowing ourselves to heed to that voice. Not easy though!
To not manipulate or to not get manipulated! We live in a world where we play emotional games. Maybe that has become the norm. But in my experience, it is a severe waste of energy. Just say what you feel, show your true colors, maybe we can work with that. Indeed hide and seek is exhausting.
The ability to be vulnerable! In being vulnerable, we lose our need to be safe. We let our skins expose. We never know if we will be burnt raw or behold and embraced. But we dare, and in those moments, we live. In our readiness to fall, in our willingness to expose, our Freedom lies.
To be able to set boundaries and the ability to say NO! Especially with the people we love the most, we find it hard to say NO and state what we can no longer bear. But I think our sanity is crucial before we can say Yes or take care of anybody else.
To love and miss people so nearly and dearly, but still, be okay with not having them in our lives. We might have love in oceans depth for our loved ones and still decide to let them go, never see or have a distance, for the well-being of everybody involved. The love can still be, but not everything is set in stone!
To be not crippled in our imagination! Check for yourselves how far your imaginations can fly! If we are crippled even in our wild imaginations, then we have let the poisons of the outwardly world corrupt us. One can have wings and fly in their imagination. Crossing the line of sanity is okay in imagination. And that is how one gets to the roots of their Creativity!
The ability to stay honest and loyal! To be next to someone, whose honesty is unwavering and whose loyalty one has to never question of, is a true blessing. It should be an honor to be that blessing in somebody else’s life. One less thing to worry about, one less game to play! And that is the Freedom we can give and have.
The openness to grow/evolve and make life one long learning process. What can we know, when what we don’t know is ever-expanding?! In the ability to listen, in humility, and in being present, there is liberation.
Essentially every tether unleashed, every limitation crossed, is.. Freedom!