Okay wait, I think I got what life is all about! I ruminate. And very soon life slips by and tells me with a smirk, there is more to it dummy!
In an attempt to explore what that more could be, I then think, Oh okay! Life is all about what I create for myself, what I want for myself and moving towards it. With a hard smack on my head, I would be made to realize, that life is a collective experience.
And I go, Oh okay then! I must include and consider all the external factors and people in my life, for me to be happy and peaceful, then with the hefty blow life shows me how to set boundaries for my healing, to preserve the energy, time and space, for they are the real currencies of one’s life. Is there anybody on this planet, who have figured out all of life? Or is there a hardbound rule book on life? That, this is the route, a path? Is there a beginning, is there a destination? Where did we start and where do we end? Why do I feel like an ocean in a drop, and a drop in the ocean, all at the same time?
What is it about life? I try to pause the time to understand and comprehend the experience that life is. But time never stands still, it races around the clock, making every tick an opportunity for me to dive into the infinite possibilities of that moment. With every moment it hands me the power to make a choice – a choice as to what I want that moment to be. Oh, the option is mine!!??? I ask. Is the choice really mine?!! Yes, it said. And so I asked, But I have had terrible experiences in life, this, that and the other, so are you sure? Time said, It does not matter dear, just give me your hand in this, let us create something of your choice this moment. So I sat there, dripping in ecstasy, tears running down my cheeks, peaceful and still. Second after second, minute after minute, like an alchemist, creating every second of that bliss. Oh wow! Life is so easy. Get out and recreate the same for yourself, a thought popped. But it was not. I so often do not even remember that my time here is running down, and I just let life pass by, in the routine, the past and the future.
Why do I see a world inside the world? I often used to wonder, what it will feel like to be in another person’s shoes and explore how and what life is to them. The aches in their body, the passing thoughts, their perceptions, and their knowledge. How will it be? Won’t it be an entirely different world? A uniquely, complete whole new person, a whole new world. Oh my god, he is so successful, how will I feel like, to be the consciousness that is having that experience?! And I used to think, wow, that person is so much similar to me, and yet they make a totally polar decision, what an entirely different world?! Okay, how will it feel like, to be an organization, a religion, a group of friends, a place – what will it feel like to be that collective? A whole new world. A World within a world, structures within structures, patterns within patterns, cycles within cycles, reality within reality – a reality so true to the person experiencing it. What a freedom I thought, freedom to choose what we want to believe and make it our reality. What a freedom!
Why do I not see, right or wrong, true or false, but just levels? Levels of consciousness, and why do I see no beginning or end to that? I used to get so angry and anxious with life, and ask, why is that person or situation not happening my way?! Personal realities are like a solid rod, and it would be hard to bend them with just bare hands. And on a day to day basis, I get hijacked by my judgments of the self and the other. More the consciousness raises or lowers, the true and false become interchangeable, and we jump from this to that very often. So how do we decide if someone is living their life right? Is there a good, better and best? Or should we judge someone by how much happy they are or by how much money they have? Can such a judgment be made? Why do I feel like an animal with complex senses and a logic that just tries to grab and make everything its own? Why do I no more feel a definitive definition to life?
Aww, Nice post!! 🙂
Thank u <3