I was going through the notes app on my phone. And from the lot, I found this gem. A list of thoughts/ideas/questions/realizations (I don’t know what to call them), that I had noted down as they came to me. Reading them now, just makes me feel proud of how far I have come. I decided to put them out here, unedited.
1. Once you go blank you will never go back!
2. Its not what the mind says, it is how seriously it is taken.
3. Who am i to dictate the divine!
4. Everything for sure is a process. If you want to manifest something, effort, consistency, and patience is the key. And if anytime during the process you see yourself desperate, remind yourself that it is an absolute waste of energy. If anything can be done about what you want, you must do it. If you cannot do anything about it, it is better to drop it and let go. Constantly hovering over things that are not in your control is waste of all your resources.
5. When the frequency cranks up, all that that doesn’t sit well with it automatically withers out.
6. All your mind has to do is trust, allow and not resist.
7. If I hadn’t met you, I would have continued to exist as the lie I was. Thank you for being that blessing this piece of life always wanted.
8. The way you present yourself to you is the way you present yourself to others. If you are inadequate to yourself you are going to be inadequate for others too.
9. Sculpting yourself in all possible ways is one best feeling. But letting yourself get sculpted by the creator itself is the real stunner!
10. Your ability to experience something is inversely proportional to the knowledge gathered.
11. We live and die in our mind!
12. People are either hooked up to their headphones or locked down by their phones.
13. Best part of life is the uncertainty. Not knowing is so much healthy if one can loosen the fear of unknown.
14. Watching closely, every cell in my body seems to be etched with fear. Fear based existence on very deeper level.
15. Learn to listen, not to reply. But just to listen and to pay attention to what anybody is saying. There is no hurry to tell others what you know. It doesn’t matter. Learn to listen!
16. All the relationships i have in my life has taught me what i do not want for me. In the hardest way possible.
17. I now know how threshold feels like!
18. It is in the womb of creation the emptiness finds it expression and in the emptiness the womb lies.
19. It is time we measure health and wealth by how peaceful and happy a person is within himself, and not by appearance. Because what you share has a greater impact than what you show!
20. One day I woke up and I had no pain, felt like something was over.
21. Nobody can comprehend anybody else’s life. It is their own, personal. One can just watch or accept.
22. One has to be really silent to listen to the hustle that this body is.
23. You can have everything, once you realize nothing is yours.
24. It went from being conditional to unconditional!
25. There is a difference between playing the field and lamenting in the pavilion that, You are a great player! What you are measuring yourself against is your own imagination.
26. Life is the simplest of simplest music that we can perform for!
27. Forget date and time, what if we are dying and waking up everyday to do the same day over and over again?
28. When u r driven by your fear, you are not conscious.
29. I am so antique!!!!
30. And I immediately knew that, that was the end, and that u will never hear a word from me again!
31. It is going to be fine.
32. A friend once said, you cant get hung up on where you would rather be that you forget to make the most of where you are.
33. There will come a time when we have to drop everything that we have known as ourselves. And that is called death. That is also called Transformation. It is strange we wait for death to transform us.
34. Control is an illusion. So much freedom, love, authenticity and independence, when you let go of situations, people and things that you cannot do anything about.
35. Love is the intensity with which we exist!
36. Love for me is, emotions stretched beyond its threshold, and the you and i of the mind exists no more. Love is the intensity with which we exist. Love for me is the most sophisticated gallery view for life.
37. Who are you without you imitating some movie star?? Sometimes even our personalities are borrowed.
38. The more you drop the resistance to cross the boundaries of your self built wall, the richer your experiences get.
39. When there is a voice inside you that constantly keeps saying, “it will all be fine”.
40. Constantly consciously shed what you are not, so that when the time comes it will be easy. -Death.
41. Every time i awfully fall short of what the social structure requires out of me. A social structure made of money, safety and a legalized ideas of happiness. The norms and the rules of it. I am called stupid, crazy and selfish if I don’t abide by them. In this race of satisfying its requirements i lost the true color of my essence. I have become an wasted investment in trying to please, get approval and conformity.
42.Some lives are too wild and raw to be caged!
43. Do yourself not in comparison to others.
44. With some people it is so easy, effortless and natural. No maintenance and no expense. No glamours words and nothing. They stay there all the time. People who feel like home, bundle of joy, love, hope and calmness. Even if there are just a handful of them they are worth everything!
45. The trick is to do everything that u will feel bad about not doing at the end of the day.
46. There are just two sets of people. One set that wants to run the world with authority, money and power. And other set that wants to run the world with love, empathy and care.
47. I spent my day today making myself some hot tea, singing to myself, stitching some clothes, reading a book and stretching my legs and watching tv, and i shud say it felt really good!
48. For the first time it felt okay to fall sick, lay back, not be perfect, but to just be.
49. Lol! I m taking myself out of the race. I am not even in the competition and i will never be. Outgrown.
50. When i observed my face closer, i saw decades of gene deposits!
51. At the end of it all, it is what we create, and become. The choice is always ours. Whatever we need nd want to become is just on the other side. What is stopping us from being there is again us. Drive or be driven.
52. Love / finding love, was once a much hyped up emotion in me.
53. Life is experienced only in the moments of being and not doing.
54. It was not a failure it was just a take diversion.
55. We live a life only based on what we are exposed to and forget that we live in a space of infinite possibilities.
56. We are so much engrossed in what it could be than what it is.
57. Being thin and being fit are two different things.
58. Be the change u want to be and be the change u want to see.